Wednesday, April 16, 2014

SinfulColors polish|Boogie Nights



Today I have another "Untried". I've had this polish in my stash for sometime. I swatched it of course when I first bought it but never wore it.

Spring Nails


Somehow this manicure got lost. I posted on Instagram but forgot to do a post on it.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Zoya Nail polish in Farah



I'm playing catch up with my posts. It's been a hectic few weeks for me. I try and schedule post but sometimes I can only get one post up. But I'm improving. I really enjoy posting my nails and watching my growth.

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Friday, April 4, 2014

Bright spring nails


I'm loving neons for spring! Also I've been experimenting with different designs for my lil nubins. I have a post coming up tomorrow on how I grow my nails fast! So be sure to look for that post tomorrow .